Dreamtown is a Youth Mover

Dreamtown is now a member of the new network Youth Movers - a network of organisations that work for and with young people around the world.

Denmark’s strategy for development cooperation and humanitarian action emphasises the importance of young people in development cooperations, and an informal Sustainable Development Goal no. 18 has been set, focussing on strengthening, involving and engaging youth.

Youth Movers works to ensure a broader representation of Danish development organisations working with youth is involved in Denmark's strategic work with young people in a development context. The network has to main focus areas - knowledge sharing and advocacy. Through networking events, workshops and seminars, the member organisations will share experiences and best practices in working with young people. Furthermore, Youth Movers will act as a platform for visualising the work of the member organisations to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and keep politicians accountable in terms of the prioritisation of the established youth focus in the "World 2030"

We are excited to join the network and participate in raising awareness of global youth issues! Follow the network on Facebook to stay updated.


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Dreamtown Denmark