Transformation grows in Kampala's ghettos


Reportage from Uganda by Morten Clausen

Climate change in the K-zones

Life in the K-zones, as the Kampala lowland slums are named, is characterised by insecurity. In recent years, the weather in Uganda has become more unpredictable as a consequence of climate change. The mix between between extreme weather conditions and depleted slums creates a dangerous environment. This includes flooding, mudslides, and water born diseases. Kampala’s slums can be a challenging place to live. However, progression and activism finds its way in the ghetto life. By taking a closer look, you will see people in the K-zones dreamning, connecting, and creating possibilities for a good life.


Change starts with yourself

Melisa Namujju Brenda, 23 years, lives in the Kampala K-zone Kyebbando and has experienced the daily struggles of her area, including the spread of cholera. Besides working as an educated accountant, she is one of the 30 community journalists engaged in Dreamtown’s #GhettoGoGreen Project.  She is eager to be part of improving the space in the slums, starting in the areas she knows like home.

“At the K-zone the trees are chopped down and the soil is to full with plastic to grow anything consistently. My dream is to be part of a project where my community takes action and creates green spaces so my and coming generations can experience how living plants contributes to wellbeing.”


Dialogue, engagement, and community journalism

The community journalists take active part in the development of the K-zone communities by creating awareness about the dreams and climate initiatives of the young people who live there, by creating stories that can be shared through different media platforms.

“By being a community journalist I can use my knowledge and network in the K-zone to ask questions about young people’s dreams and how they are creating change. I get to know a lot of different ways to create sustainable solutions. By talking to people I can transfer ideas and encourage people to take part. By writing small stories to twitter and NACs (partner on the project - Network for Active Citizens) I get to show even more what is happening in the K-zones.”

Kampala’s K-zones. Photo by Morten Clausen.

Kampala’s K-zones. Photo by Morten Clausen.

Melissa doing an interview in the K-zones. Photo by Morten Clausen.

Melissa doing an interview in the K-zones. Photo by Morten Clausen.

Melissa grew up in Eastern Uganda, where her family was able to grow food in the garden. But the life in Kampala showed her the contrast to the country side and she realized what a gift it was to grow up close to trees and eatable plants. On this day, Melissa was interviewing Kato Charles, 23, who earns his money from delivering water in the K-zone, but dreams of an environment with trees and clean water. Afterwards, she was interviewing Stanley - a social entrepreneur and leader of the local youth centre that have started a socioeconomic venture by growing mushrooms in bags and selling them at the market.

“I believe that change is not something that you can wait for. Everybody holds the potential of taking control of his or her own life, but for some people the everyday holds just to many struggles. I feel I am living a gifted life and therefore holds a responsibility to do what I can.”

Melissa doing an interview in the K-zones. Photo by Morten Clausen.

Dreams are green

The work by the community journalist, led by Network for Active Citizens Uganda, is a key element in Dreamtown’s project Ghetto Go Green. The project engages youth to take part in developing new ideas for more sustainable, loveable, and green spaces in their communities. The group of community journalists document and communicate these young people’s stories and the green transformations in the K-zones. The collaboration with community journalists is a core pillar in Dreamtown’s theory of change, since we see stories as a way of to cascade dreams, reframe negative narratives about youth living in slums, and as a strong approach towards creating relationships and strong communities.

“It’s all about being a part of the community, listening to the stories that make up the lives here. Every person holds a unique story and a dream, sometimes it just takes a bit of conversation to reveal it. My next story will be about the joy of walking instead of driving cars and boda’s [motorcycle taxis]. Every aspect of life holds the opportunity to live.”



The Ghetto Go Green project is a partnership between Dreamtown and Network for Active Citizens. In this project, young people in flood prone slums in Kampala take action towards making their local communities more resilient towards the effects of climate change, through the development of green urban spaces and sensitisation about climate change. You can follow the project through #GhettoGoGreen and at GhettoGoGreen on twitter.

Thanks to CISU (Civil Society in Development) for supporting #GhettoGoGreen in Uganda.

Dreamtown Denmark