World Urban Forum

Story by Rasmus Bering, CEO, Dreamtown



In June 2022, the World Urban Forum (11th session) took place in Katowice, Poland. WUF was established in 2021 by the United Nations as the most important event globally focused on sustainable urban development. This year, more than 17000 people participated from 155 countries, including ministers, the private sector, NGOs, foundations, urban activists, and many more. For an organisation like Dreamtown, working for the rights of young people in cities, this is the place to be.

Dreamtown ventured to Poland with one key agenda: To make sure the voice of young people is heard loud and clear on the global stage. And of course we didn’t go alone. Our amazing partners Public Space Network from Kenya and House of Arts Association from Zimbabwe joined us. And they took WUF by storm.

Here’s a quick overview of what we achieved in Poland!


Dreamtown delegation, including House of Arts Association (Zimbabwe) and Public Space Network (Kenya).

UN Secretary António Guterres giving the opening remarks.

The Delegation.



Dreamtown facilitated a full house event with more than 100 particants joining us for a celebration of the cool work of the young urban activists in our network. The event showcased inspiring examples of how young people are using creativity to tranform their urban communities.

On the stage we had an amazing line up. Casper from House of Arts Assocation set the stiff conference format in motion with an amazing hip hop performance, followed by an inpsiring presentation on how young people in Harare are using music, drama and art to engage city authorities in dialogue on commmunity development. Annabell, Mercy and Evans from Public Space Network presented a number of inspiring case stories showcasing how young people in Nairobi take the lead in creating safe and vibrant public spaces for children and youth in low income commmunities. Our friends from Slum Dwellers International presented their amazing work with Know Your City TV, where young people produce films creating awarneess around the challenges faced by people living in slums. Finally, Nina Ottosen from Dreamtown represented our partners from Uganda, Network for Active Citizens, presenting their innovative approaches towards combining urban agriculture and playgrounds as ways of developing public spaces empowering young women and children alike.


Rasmus Bering from Dreamtown presenting the objectives of the Dreamtown event.

Casper Chigama from House of Arts Association giving a hiphop performance.

Annabell, Mercy and Evens from Public Space network gettng ready for the event.

Slum Dwellers International at Dreamtown’s event.



Dreamtown and partners also participated in a number of debates. Among others things, Nina Ottosen from Dreamtown participated in the panel on an event co-organisation by World Vision, Slum Dwellers International and Plan International focusing on the resilience of children and youth in vulnerable urban settings. Mercy from Public Space Network participated in a number of debates, advocating for increased public spaces for children to play. Finally, Dreamtown was part of the launch of the brand new Centre on African Public Spaces (CAPS) located in the city of Johannesbourg.


Mercy Wanjiru from Public Space Netwkork presnenting on community transformation in Dandora, Nairobi.

Nina Ottosen from Dreamtown presenting best practices for engaging young people in urban development.

Launch of the Centre on African Publice Spaces, spearheaded by Ayand Roji, representing the City of Johannesburg.



The next World Urban Forum will be held in Cairo in 2024 - we already can’t wait! We plan to join the forum with even more cool young people from our network - and showcase all their urban transformations. Ensuring a strong representation from the global community of youth is crucial - we need the young voices to inspire how we develop and improve our cities. We really recommend anyone working in the urban field to check out World Urban Forum - let’s meet and connect! Learn more about World Urban Forum at World Urban Forum ( and stay updated.

Dreamtown Denmark